Categories: Health, Uncategorized



March 29


Thank you to the Bon Secours St Marys Hospital Nursing Administration staff for preparing a wonderful meal for our guests tonight! The house smells great!! We appreciate your support!!

March 23

Thank you to the Bon Secours Richmond Health 8System Foundation Team for making wonderful cards for Easter. We will be placing these heartfelt cards on our guests’ beds for them to enjoy. Thanks again for being such great partners!!

March 18:

The Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital NICU team is here preparing dinner for our guests!

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March 17

5 Thank you to Chesapeake Bank for stopping by the Reinhart Guest House today with an “I Care” check! The beautiful letter that accompanied the check read, “Your mission and message has left a meaningful mark on one or more of our new customers at Chesapeake Bank. During our “I Care” campaign we offered $100 donation to any Greater Richmond nonprofit organization. It was their choice and they chose the Reinhart Guest House!”

March 16

Thank you to Collegiate School art teacher Dena and her very talented students for sharing their beautiful art, which now hangs in our community frames! Thank you Collegiate for your partnership!

March 11

Thank you to the Junior League of Richmond for preparing a wonderful dinner last night. Here is what one of our guests had to say about the meal: “What a delight to come into the Reinhart House after a long stressful day of a loved one’s surgery and find the delicious meal of spaghetti, linguine, bread, salad and desserts prepared by the Junior League. Thank you all so very much for this gift to the guests here – it meant so much to me and others last night. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.”

March 8
2On Saturday, a great group of employees from Sedgwick prepared lunch for our guests as well as donated household supplies. They volunteered in memory of a co-worker’s husband who passed away earlier this year. We were honored to serve this family during their time here at St. Mary’s Hospital. Thank you Sedgwick for your support! Our guests absolutely loved the lunch and those supplies will be put to immediate use! Thank you again!

March 4

In the month of February we served more than 50 families totaling 208 room nights! We would like to thank all of our donors and volunteers for helping us provide good help!

March 3

A few times a week we are fortunate to welcome volunteer groups from around Richmond to serve dinner to our guests. Last night, the ladies from the Tri Delta – University of Richmond Gamma Eta Chapter(University of Richmond) prepared dinner. This is what one of our guests said about the meal: “After 12 hours at the hospital coming into a beautiful place like the Reinhart House was a treat. Then to find a hot wonderful dinner awaiting was so very much appreciated. Thank you! Thank you for making a tough situation more bearable.” Thank you to all our meal planners! Your kindness is good help!

March 2


We often talk about our hospital partners and how their support makes our mission stronger. Today, Healthpartners Lab at Bon Secours St Mary’s Hospital dropped off donations that will sustain our families for a week! Thank you so much for your support – we couldn’t do what we do without you!!