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November 3rd

Tonight, the ladies of the Junior League of Richmond made our families breakfast for dinner! The guests enjoyed this surprising meal, calling it a “delightful treat…after a very trying day.” A big thanks to these gracious women; it’s no surprise that we appreciate your continued support!

November 2nd

This afternoon, the very talented Sharon Savon White dropped off the fall wreath that will grace the front door of the Guest House until winter arrives. Thank you Sharon; your gift will ensure that all of our guests are welcomed into the House before they step foot through the door!

To celebrate the start of November, the wonderful team from St. Mary’s Switchboard/Telecom Team made a Thanksgiving feast this evening! All of the families staying at the House thoroughly enjoyed such a great treat; one guest even said that her own Thanksgiving dinner would not compare! Thank you ladies for continuing to support our mission!

October 31st

Today we had the special privilege of being a trick-or-treating stop for the little ones at St. Mary’s Hospital Daycare! We want to say a big thank you to these children for brightening up our days and the days of our families!