Categories: Health, Uncategorized



November 18th

Our youthful volunteers from Glen Allen High School were back at the House this evening making a fun taco dinner for our guests. Everyone loved this festive meal; one guest even described it as “just what [he] needed to wake his taste buds up”! Thank you boys!

November 17th

Today was an incredibly busy day at the Guest House! Volunteers from Lewis Media Partners came out to the House and made lunch for the guests: homemade pizzas and salads! Guests appreciated having something easy and quick to grab. Thank you so much to this new group, and welcome to the Reinhart House volunteer family!

We also had the Togetherness Group from Shady Grove YMCA at the House putting together  over 120 “grab-n-go” bags for our families to take for long days at the hospital. These bags are filled with snacks and activities that will provide a bright spot for a lot of our families during some difficult times. Thank you so much!

Finally,  to cap off our day, the Care Management Team at Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital brought our guests an amazing barbecue dinner. Thank you  to this group for making sure the families at the House are well-fed and nourished!

November 16th

This evening a great group from Bon Secours St. Mary’s Hospital Inpatient Pharmacy made lasagna for our families. Everyone loved it so much there were no leftovers! Thank you for making such a delicious meal for our families!

November 15th

Tonight the ladies from the University of Richmond chapter of Tri-Delta Sorority came by the House to prepare a lovely meal for our guests here at the House. These ladies continue to provide comfort at the end of the day for our guests on a regular basis; thank you!

November 14th

Our regular volunteer group from the local branches of Bank of America provided dinner for the guests staying at the House as well as for several families visiting loved ones at the hospital this evening. Everyone who came for dinner loved it. Thank you to this group for their continued support!