Categories: Health, Uncategorized



You may have noticed our new hashtag #goodhelpfeelslikehome — here is how you can help us showcase good help!

Good help at the Reinhart Guest House is a volunteer extending a supportive hand to lift a guest’s spirit, nurses preparing meals after a long day in the hospital, young volunteers learning the transformational impact of giving back, faith-based communities assembling hospital to-go bags, supplies dropped at our front door just because, in-kind services that help our house run with minimal expense, art from the heart in the form of handmade greeting cards, and so much more.

Good help restores faith, hope, and strength in the hearts and minds of our families. Please share your generous support of the Reinhart Guest House by posting on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, tagging us, and using the hashtag #goodhelpfeelslikehome

Find us on our social media accounts, Facebook and Instagram. We look forward to connecting with you!