Categories: Health, Uncategorized



Are you a former guest of the Reinhart Guest House?

Have you shared your story of your experience at the House with us yet?

We not only love hearing from our guests — but these stories help remind our volunteers and donors why our #goodhelpfeelslikehome mission is so important.

To share your story (it can be submitted anonymously or include your name) email Katie or send us a message on our Facebook page.

Here is a recent story from Anne Pulley who spent 38 nights with us over 14 visits this year. We have had the pleasure of getting to know her this summer. Thanks for sharing Anne!!

“Words can’t express how much this Home and the people who are here have meant to me. My husband was admitted to St. Marys on May 24th. Three surgeries later and some time at getting his strength back. We will be going to our Home in the next week. We will be back later this year or next year for another surgery he needs. This Home will be waiting for me. It helps me in so many ways to know the people who are here always know you and do everything they can to help your stress be manageable. Also my husband has been sick all this year. Many nights I slept in his room in a chair at other places. Bless you all. Bless this Home.”