Categories: Health, Uncategorized



September 20

This evening Scott Glatfelter and his team from The Olive Garden provided a lovely meal for all of our guests. Guests truly enjoyed such a special treat! Comments from some of our guests included: “It is so kind and thoughtful of the OG staff to come out from Midlothian to provide such a generous meal. It was an oasis of peace and deliciousness during a busy and stressful day.” “After having to be at the hospital at 6:10am and trying to eat a grilled cheese at mid day (that was awful) it was SO NICE to have not only a wonderful meal but kindness from the volunteers. You changed my day.” Thank you to Scott and his wonderful team!

September 18

Tonight we had the privilege of seeing a fantastic group from Glen Allen High School prepare a dinner of London Broil for our families! These young men have been at the House serving our families over fifteen times. Thank you gentlemen!


We also had the pleasure of welcoming students and their families from Hanover County Public Schools into the House this afternoon for tours. These students are responsible for our current artwork installation in our children’s wing, and they all seemed to enjoy seeing how bright their art made the hallways! Thanks to all the families and to Hanover County Public Schools for providing our families with such lovely art!