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The smell of a delicious meal being prepared in the Reinhart Guest House kitchen is one very special way to provide comfort to our families as they return to the guest house after a long day at St. Mary’s Hospital.

We love having school groups, church groups, families and friends at the house cooking for our guests and the guests love it too!!

Would you or someone you know like to cook a meal for our families or make a meal for our freezer to save for a later time? Give us a call at 804-287-7300 or email for more information!

We have had some wonderful groups prepare meals in the last month or so, we appreciate them so much! We also have some great groups coming soon and would love to add you to our calendar!

Geriatric Collaborative Interdisciplinary Team made dinner for our families on June 27. A note from a guest: “I really can’t find the words to tell you all how much I appreciate everything you all have done for our family. Food was delicious! God bless y’all.” – Steve B.


We look forward to having Bank of America, the team from Hope Therapy, Telecommunication ladies from St Marys Hospital, and Hunton Baptist Church return to the guest house to cook for our families in the coming weeks!